Monday, August 16, 2010

Underwood Orthodontics, supporter of the AAO Style 'N Smile fashion show!

The Style 'N Smile fashion show, sponsored by the American Association of Orthodontists, or AAO, promotes self esteem, while displaying the newest back to school fashions. Most importantly, the fashion show emphasizes how beautiful and healthy smiles never goes out of style. To learn more about the Style 'N Smile fashion show, take a look at this short video clip from 90210 pop culture icon Jennie Garth. In the video, she shares how being self conscious is a rite of passage, and that’s why giving younger (and older) people the opportunity to improve their smile goes hand in hand with improving self esteem.

With SureSmile and Invisalign treatment options, Underwood Orthodontics has what it takes to make you smile! Give us a call today if you have any questions about the Style 'N Smile fashion show, or if you would like to schedule your complimentary consultation!

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